The Female Obsession Trigger E-Book



Women Mental Seduction technique. Learn the ins and outs of your dream perfect 10s. Find out how you can access their minds and make them yours.. completely.


65 Page ebook teaching you how to make women get obsessed with you.

Learn the ins and outs of your dream perfect 10s. Find out how you can access their minds and make them yours.. completely.


  • Are you afraid to approach women because you just don’t know
    what to say?
  • Have you approached a cute girl, and she reacted well, but after
    a few minutes of conversation you ran out of things to talk about
    and the interaction “fizzled out”?
  • Can you get a lot of women to give you their phone numbers —
    but find it hard to get them to meet you for a date?
  • Have you ever kissed a pretty girl at a bar, but when you tried to
    get her to come home with you, she lost interest and you never
    saw her again?

The great myth

If so, you’ve fallen victim to the greatest myth of our time.
It’s called Just Be Yourself (JBY), and in the last several years it
has taken over the pickup community.

The main precepts of the JBY ideology are:

  1. Just be the most confident version of yourself and women will be
    attracted to you.
  2. Approach girls you find cute, and eventually you’ll meet one you
    have chemistry with. Don’t worry about the ones that you didn’t
    get — you probably weren’t “compatible” anyway.
  3. Using manipulative tactics to get women into bed is creepy and
    unethical, and will only get you girls who have “low self esteem”. | 3
  4. A real man just goes up, blurts something out and hopes for the
  5. Work on yourself, exercise, and cultivate passions, hobbies and
    a great social circle, and you’ll attract girls automatically